Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal’s Realm – Director’s Cut
LEGIONWOOD 2: ETERNAL的现实是一款昔日经典风格的史诗式奇幻角色扮演游戏 (RPG)。作为一个精英帝国士兵试图保护自己的家园,你会得到探索一个巨大的,完全详细..
- 更新日期:
- 版本:
- 最新版
- 类型:
- 平台:
- Steam
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2014-05-16
- 价格:
- ¥12.0
- 开发者:
- Dark Gaia Studios Degica
Legionwood 2游戏截图
Legionwood 2游戏简介
LEGIONWOOD 2: RISE OF THE ETERNAL’S REALM is an epic fantasy Role Playing Game (RPG) in the style of the classics of yesteryear. Playing as an elite imperial soldier trying to protect their homeland, you’ll get to explore a massive, fully detailed medieval empire filled with daring adventures, outlandish treasures and dramatic conflicts. Along the way, you’ll have to contend with the likes of political corruption, zombie hordes, the onset of war and a game world that changes depending on your choices and actions. Get ready to pick a side on the stage of history. Will you be the one who saves Legionwood, or will you be the one who dooms it to an age of darkness?
- 20+ hours of classic RPG gameplay.
- Dozens of minigames and sidequests to discover.
- Hundreds of different character configurations.
- Over 100 intelligent and dangerous foes.
- Non-linear storyline that makes your choices count.
- Six different endings.
The Director’s Cut update also includes:
- Smarter enemy AI.
- In-game lore encyclopedia.
- Expanded endings.
- Imperial Armaments, Bardsong and Journey to Charn DLC packs.
LEGIONWOOD 2: ETERNAL的现实是一款昔日经典风格的史诗式奇幻角色扮演游戏 (RPG)。作为一个精英帝国士兵试图保护自己的家园,你会得到探索一个巨大的,完全详细的中世纪帝国充满了大胆的冒险,古怪的宝藏和戏剧性的冲突。一路上,你必须与腐败,僵尸成群,战争的爆发和游戏世界的变化取决于你的选择和行动的游戏世界。准备好在历史舞台上挑选一方。你会是拯救军团木的人,还是你会把它毁灭到黑暗的年代?
- 20小时的经典RPG玩法。
- 几十个迷你游戏和旁人发现。
- 数百种不同的字符配置。
- 超过100个聪明和危险的敌人。
- 非线性的故事情节,使你的选择计数。
- 六种不同的结局。
- 更聪明的敌人AI。
- 游戏中的绝杀百科全书。
- 扩大了结局。
- 帝国军备, 巴德松和查恩之旅DLC包。